No. 02: PRAGMA (abril 2023 a septiembre 2023)

Urban-architectural proposal for the rehabilitation of the housing unit ciudad yagúl housing Unit Ciudad Yagúl, Oaxaca

Mauro Ángel Torres Salas
Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO)
Ramírez Ramírez Ramírez Ramírez
Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO)
Heidy Gómez-Barranco
Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO)

Published 2023-04-05


  • bioclimatic design,
  • sustainability,
  • materials

How to Cite

Torres Salas, M. Ángel, Ramírez Ramírez, R. R., & Gómez-Barranco, H. (2023). Urban-architectural proposal for the rehabilitation of the housing unit ciudad yagúl housing Unit Ciudad Yagúl, Oaxaca. Pragma Magazine, 1(02), 7–30. Retrieved from


The objective of this article is to generate projects with design solutions to improve the urban and architectural conditions of the Ciudad Yagúl Housing Unit, Oaxaca, a methodology with a qualitative approach was followed, which consisted in the choice of the research area, collection of bibliographic information, surveys, field studies such as: digital thermography, portable weather station, soil mechanics and thermal bridges; The existing problems were identified to achieve the intervention project for the multiple areas that make up the housing unit. It is proposed the use of affordable affordable materials for the inhabitants as well as having a low impact on the environment, promoting energy efficiency with sustainability and self-construction in homes.