No. 02: PRAGMA (abril 2023 a septiembre 2023)

Creativity in extracurricular activities, in the case of “alter ego” masks

Fabiola Vera Gasca
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
Obed Meza Romero
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)

Published 2023-04-05


  • masks,
  • creativity,
  • “alter ego”

How to Cite

Vera Gasca, F., & Meza Romero, O. (2023). Creativity in extracurricular activities, in the case of “alter ego” masks. Pragma Magazine, 1(02), 131–139. Retrieved from


Extracurricular activities are intended for students to develop their cognitive and visual skills as a complement to develop their creativity and reinforce some knowledge, which is why this article presents the final design of masks representing the “alter ego” individually, with the purpose of self-analysis. and represent with different materials that concept of aspiration in a new face, in addition to measuring their skills through a contest, since it allows them to explore new materials and forms of representation that approach their inner self and allows them to find new spaces of competence. Therefore, the final result of some masks supported in theoretical terms and artistic skills is presented.