No. 02: PRAGMA (abril 2023 a septiembre 2023)
Message from the Editorial Committee

Presentation PRAGMA 2

Mundo Hernández Mundo Hernández
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Published 2023-04-05

How to Cite

Mundo Hernández, M. H. (2023). Presentation PRAGMA 2. Pragma Magazine, 1(02). Retrieved from


Presentation of Number 2 of PRAGMA.


Issue 2 of PRAGMA includes 7 papers: two dedicated to architecture, four to urban planning and one to visual communication. The architectural articles address the domestic space from the most personal scale with a reflection on the perception of the living space through experience and interaction between people and architecture. The second article presents a contribution of urban-architectural design of a housing unit with a focus on comfort.


The articles included in the Urban Planning section are on varied topics and scales. One of them deals with the issue of mobility in the historic center of the city of Puebla and its importance to revitalize that part of the city. Another historical article addresses the urban planning of the city of Cuevas in Spain in the 19th century as a precedent for the urban planning of other Spanish cities. Additionally, this issue has included an article on ephemeral architecture and its application in public spaces. And with a broader territorial approach, a criticism is presented of the lack of consideration of energy resources for the territorial planning of Mexico.


Finally, an educational article discusses the creative and educational opportunity for high school students to carry out extracurricular activities focused on design and visual communication. Thus, we hope that this issue is of interest to the academic community.


City of Puebla, april 2023

Dr. Julia Judith Mundo Hernández.

Director of PRAGMA.