No. 03: PRAGMA
Message from the Editorial Committee

Presentation PRAGMA 3

Dra. Julia Judith Mundo Hernández
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Published 2023-10-05


  • PRAGMA 3

How to Cite

Mundo Hernández, D. J. J. (2023). Presentation PRAGMA 3. Pragma Magazine, 2(03). Retrieved from


Presentation of Number 3 of PRAGMA magazine.

Issue 3 of Pragma magazine is made up of 6 articles: two dedicated to the architecture section, three to the urban planning section and one to the visual communication section. In this number one of the articles on architecture, it addresses the importance of architect training to solve not only the spatial needs of people, but also to contribute to achieving sustainable and healthy buildings and cities. This last concept has gained great value during the pandemic and of course now, after the pandemic.

Speaking of healthy and safe spaces, the second article discusses how the design of public space with an androcentric approach in housing units contributes to the insecurity and vulnerability of women. The authors present a study in a housing unit in the city of Puebla.

The three articles that make up the Urban Planning section refer to studies of public space, but with three different approaches. One of them focuses on the social importance of a park in a neighborhood in the city of Puebla, the causes of its neglect and its relevance to revitalize that part of the city. Another article presents a discussion on the right of citizens to public space, based on the concept proposed by Jordi Borja. This right is analyzed in a vulnerable peripheral neighborhood of the municipality of Puebla. On the other hand, a third article presents an analysis of the consequences of an urban-architectural intervention carried out in one of the most important historical sites of Puebla, the forts of Loreto and Guadalupe. The author discusses her contribution to increasing the unity and pride of the people of Puebla based on a historical event of national relevance.

The article in the visual communication section offers the reader an educational proposal of a research methodology to carry out thesis for the graphic design school. The objective is to achieve proposals that respond to the context, and that are supported by solid theoretical research. Thus, a varied and interesting issue of Pragma has been created, the intention of which is to open the doors to a discussion and exchange of ideas.


Dr. Julia Judith Mundo Hernández.
Director of PRAGMA.