No. 03: PRAGMA

Architecture education during pandemic and post-pandemic times

Julia Judith Mundo Hernández
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Kenia Mavet Ramírez Pérez
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Published 2023-10-05


  • architecture education,
  • pandemic,
  • Covid-19,
  • healthy architecture

How to Cite

Mundo Hernández, J. J., & Ramírez Pérez, K. M. (2023). Architecture education during pandemic and post-pandemic times. Pragma Magazine, 2(03), 4–11. Retrieved from


This paper addresses the importance of adapting the teaching of architecture to this new post-pandemic era.  The objective is to highlight the need to rethink the design of living spaces that guarantee or allow social distancing and safe mobility for users. The importance of adapting architectural spaces to health and safety measures is mentioned, prioritizing ventilation and technological advances in recent years. It also points out how changes in people's habits and behavior have influenced architectural design, promoting hygiene and the use of digital technology. The training of architects faces difficulties in having to provide responses considering factors such as climate change and urban resilience, while promoting sustainability and energy efficiency. Finally, the importance of adapting to continuous changes is emphasized, contemplating the consequences that the pandemic left so that future architects will be able to face these challenges by designing safe, healthy, and sustainable spaces.