No. 03: PRAGMA

The forts of Loreto and Guadalupe as a memory of local´s identity

Adriana Soledad Espinosa Flores
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Published 2023-10-05


  • collective memory,
  • identity,
  • urban symbols

How to Cite

Espinosa Flores, A. S. (2023). The forts of Loreto and Guadalupe as a memory of local´s identity. Pragma Magazine, 2(03), 29–39. Retrieved from


This work aims to show how, from the rescue of a historical monument, a space of unity and national pride can be built that maintains the essence of freedom. This document was based on the study of a phenomenon from a qualitative perspective compatible with the theoretical foundations that support the comprehensive and descriptive framework of our work. It is based on a documentary review of the historical area of the Forts of Loreto and Guadalupe, in the city of Puebla, in Mexico, and is informed by field visits to the study area based on the architectural intervention of the site in 2012. the date to observe how the acceptance of the modification of the space, its appropriation by the inhabitants and the generation of a sense of identity from collective memory, through a renewed urban symbol, took place. 155 years ago, the battle of “May 5” took place where the Mexican military forces defended the national territory against the French; at that time the most powerful in the world, and despite this the bravery of the Mexicans and a good strategy made this defense won in the forts of Loreto and Guadalupe located very close to the city of Puebla, Mexico. This triumph left a mark in the memory of Mexicans, both those who live in this territory and those countrymen who emigrated to the United States and is now the most important celebration of Mexican Americans in a foreign land. For decades this historical area was preserved only as a monument, but starting in 2012, awareness of the importance of historical memory became known, and a great effort was generated to restore the importance of this space that brought together the feelings and knowledge of a community. Manifest the pride of our nationalism in a dignified space, both for what it represents, and for the rescue of a feeling of unity and brotherhood among Mexicans that goes beyond borders.